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Editing Process


We edit research Articles, Review Articles, Research Reports, Theses, Dissertations, Research proposals, Research grants, Abstracts, Advertisements, Promos, News articles, General articles, Personal Communications, Presentations, etc.


More than 80% of scientific manuscripts submitted are returned by reviewers due to poor language and improper editing. This is true even for native English speakers.
Writing is an Art, and only 20% of the Scientists are capable, find it interesting and have the patience and time to do the job.

After each cycle of rejection, a manuscript improves a lot in quality but instead goes to lower impact journals and finally gets published at a place very inferior to what it could have been.


The situation becomes even worse when it comes to non-native English-speaking authors. However, scientific write-up editing is not a job exclusively for the language expert but also requires knowledge of the presented information as each word conveys some critical information. A sentence appearing grammatically correct often may not convey the appropriate information intended to be conveyed and may even completely alter the meaning without affecting grammatical accuracy.

For example, see these two sentences?
“The enzyme activity was reduced to 30% after heating the sample at 70 °C for 15 min (Fig. 2).
“The enzyme activity was reduced by 30% after heating the sample at 70 °C for 15 min (Fig. 2).”

Both the sentences appear to be similar and are grammatically correct except for the use of words ‘to’ and ‘by’. But only a few can differentiate the information both the sentences convey. The first sentence means that the loss of activity is 70 % and the remaining activity is only 30 %, whereas the second sentence means that the activity loss is only 30% and the remaining activity is 70%. This kind of error can only be corrected by an expert in biochemistry, which will correlate the sentence with the corresponding Fig. 2 to understand what exactly the authors want to say. Being an English expert alone does not render one competent language editor in science.
Our team is a group of several volunteers working as researchers, post-docs, professors, and scientists, who have proven their excellence of language editing by a series of critical assignments in their field and publishing in highly reputed scientific journals.

Besides this, editing of a manuscript (6000-8000 words) requires a minimum of 30 work hours. Researchers are paid (in developed countries), as an average of 30 USD per hour, which means the editing of each manuscript costs 900 USD, but we do it only at 150 USD. You Save 83% money.

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