Artwork & Illustration
Our experts are researchers who are highly skilled in the creation of scientific and academic figures. Whether you have existing figure files that need to comply with journal guidelines, or you want to create brand new illustrations, graphical abstracts, or short animations, we can help!
In this service, we prepare publication-ready figures that conform to your chosen journal’s specifications based on your images, graphs, and diagrams. This includes changes to file type, resolution, color space, font, scale, line weights, and layout (to improve readability and professional appearance). After your figures have been formatted, you can ask an unlimited number of questions about the work we have completed. We help you present your data clearly with properly formatted tables that adhere to your target journal's guidelines. Let our team of scientifically-trained illustrators adjust the layout, font, spacing, borders, and shading of your tables to accurately and efficiently communicate your results.
Pricing varies from 30 to 100 USD/element depending on the requirement, please contact us for details.
How to Proceed
Provide editable files for tables, graphs, or diagrams. These files include .xlsx, .pdf, and .doc files containing your original data.
Provide the highest-resolution images available. Original image files may include .tif, .jpg, or .png formats.
Specify your requirement and journal.

Quality Guaranteed

All complete manuscripts submitted for our Translation service are eligible to receive an Editing and Translation Certificate. Translation includes unlimited free re-editing of your English text and one additional free translation of up to 1500 new words. We guarantee that if you are not satisfied with your manuscript, or if your journal says that the English in your paper needs improvement, we will re-edit your document for free until your manuscript is published.
Please contact us if there are any problems with your translated manuscript and include specific examples (one or two sentences). If a journal mentions English as a problem, please include the file that you sent to the journal and all the comments from the journal.
Frequently Asked Questions
What file types do you accept for figure formatting?
​We are currently able to process the following file types:
Any standard graphic format, such as .tif, .jpg, .png, .bmp, or .gif
.doc, .docx (Microsoft Word)
.odt (OpenOffice Writer)
.ppt, .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint)
.odp (OpenOffice Impress)
.xls, .xlsx (Microsoft Excel)
.ods (OpenOffice Calc)
.opj (Origin)
.cdr (CorelDRAW)
.ai, .ait (Adobe Illustrator)
.psd, .pdd (Adobe Photoshop)
.eps (various programs)
File types that are not on this list should be exported as .eps or .pdf files. If you use alternative software, we can also advise you on the best procedure to export figures in one of our recommended file types
​How will you format images, such as photographs and micrographs?
In order to generate top-quality figures, images that are included within a figure should also be sent independently in the highest available resolution file. For ethical reasons, we are unable to make changes to brightness, contrast, or color balance, and we will not crop the image.
​How will I review my formatted figures when they are returned in a new file type?
Many journals require figures to be submitted as .eps files, which you may not be able to open using your current software. Thus, in addition to any submission-ready files, we will also send .tif versions of your new figures for you to review.
How long will it take to finish the job?
We might take up to one week.